Created by Pixel & Tonic (who used to write a lot of fantastic ExpressionEngine add-ons) Craft CMS is a great content management system that doesn’t make any assumptions about your content, or how it will be presented, so developers can spend their time building exactly what they need.
For content I can set up multiple document types and assign different groups of fields. Maybe the blog needs a feature image while events needs start and end dates.
The design is displayed using template files that can embed common code - header, navigation, footer. I can also create very specific urls to help search engine optimization.
A new public facing site for a Canadian organization that provides programs and resources to families in communities across Canada. Through their 500+ members they impact the lives of approximately 500,000 families per year.
Visit SiteThis maintenance project included updating Craft CMS and adding new frontend design features.
Visit SiteUsing Craft CMS as a headless cms for a React app? Now we're getting fancy!
View Case StudyThis maintenance project included updating Craft CMS and adding new frontend design features.
Visit SiteThe client choose a Joomla theme but I applied it to Craft CMS.
Visit SiteDuring a very dark period in 2020 we all had to practice "social isolation" but parents still wanted to get kids outside. The kids couldn't touch anything so we had to make up other things to do. Eye spy gets old fast. Here's a simple web page for playing bingo while walking around your neighbourhood. Plans for v2.0 include user login and uploading their own images.
Visit SiteMade with Craft3, this member only site allows clients to record issues on job sites. Layout template purchased from ThemeForest. Site owner can create multiple forms using Formie.
Aiming for 2018, Canada is planning to legalize a substance that has a very "bro" culture. This site is targeted to an older demographic that might have questions about how they can benefit from and consume medical cannabis.
Currently in post production, an indy movie required a site to both promote and be featured in the film.
Look familiar? I like CraftCMS so much I'm using it for my own site.
© 2025 - Amanda Lutz * Web Developer