Configuring CKEditor in Craft CMS
Rich text editors can be customized right down to every option but it takes some time to work out. Please benefit from my mental effort.
Rich text editors can be customized right down to every option but it takes some time to work out. Please benefit from my mental effort.
After receiving ANOTHER notice that Google Workspace is increasing their prices I've decided to look for alternate solutions.
When 3rd party services retire the solution you've been using.
I went on a wild ride to find the documentation for adding aria attributes to the Craft CMS {{ input }} tag.
Part of the template I purchased for my site redesign includes incrementing counters. But I don't want to update those stats with every new project. Think there's a way to add twig to a Craft field?
Local dev environment --> repo --> filesystem pipeline --> server
Adding plugins to my local dev site.
When your site has launched you should change all passwords. Especially admin level passwords.
After about 20 minutes I finally remembered that each template type has a different file extension. I was editing and uploading the .html file but the site was showing the .feed file.
© 2025 - Amanda Lutz * Web Developer